• A Government of Monsanto, by Monsanto, and for Monsanto?

    A Government of Monsanto, by Monsanto, and for Monsanto

    By Barbara H. Peterson

    Farm Wars

    With help from the FDA and USDA, the biotech industry is set to completely take over our food supply with genetically modified ingredients, irrespective  of the wishes of “we the people.” Through collusion, subterfuge, and a bit of back-door manipulation, Monsanto can write it’s own ticket with the U.S. Federal Government’s stamp of approval. If the rules get in the way, then change the rules, or at least their interpretation, to fit the situation. Read more…

  • Tail hair tells tale of cattle’s diet — Scientists trace grassland production

    Tail hair can show if cattle have been grass-fed or not, according to scientists. By chemically analysing the tail hair, it is also possible for scientists to tell if, and when, a grass diet has been substituted for other types of feed over the past 12 months. Read more…

  • Food Label Decoder

    Shade-grown. USDA organic. Free-range. These buzzwords have invaded our grocery store lexicon, but many consumers have trouble deciphering these less-than-intuitive terms. What’s a shopper to do?

    Take a look at our “food decoder,” a glossary that breaks down common labels and certification jargon and lets you know exactly what you’re putting on your plate. Read more…

  • Drug-resistant bacteria found in half of U.S. meat

    Study finds Staphylococcus aureus in 47% of beef, pork and poultry samples in U.S. supermarkets. Read more…

  • Not all Organic is Equal–Final chance to let the NOSB know what you think!

    When you buy organic meat and dairy products, you probably have certain expectations about how they were produced and how the animals were raised. Read more…

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